Get Paid To programs require you to sign up and get paid to complete surveys and offers. Most of the time the offers are 100% free, but the higher paying ones require a credit card to sign up for a NetFlix trial or something similar.
When you sign up you get several different options for surveys and offers you can complete with varying amounts of payout.
You can do a lot of free surveys that pay $0.50-$1.00 offers or you can participate in big ones that pay up to $40.00 and more.
You can make pretty good money by just filling out surveys and offers for a couple of hours per day without ever having a single referral!
How do Get Paid To sites work?
Companies need consumers to try and review products, services, and websites and are willing to pay money to have them do so. Most of the time you’re asked to do this without any compensation, what GPT sites do is take the money companies give them for your participation, and give you back up to 75% of it!
I didn’t want to waste my time with a program that wasn’t proven to satisfy their members for a long period of time. I was happy to discover that CashCrate are completely legitimate and pay their members very well.Why did I choose CashCrate?
This Get Paid To site offers a great bonus. They pay you up to 30% of all the earnings of your first level referrals and 20% of all the earnings of your second level referrals.
This is also one of the only sites that offers membership to international members. Members from the United States and other English speaking countries will have the most offers available to them however.
This is not multi-level marketing, you profit more by your referrals simply filling out surveys and completing offers than from their recruits.
CashCrate is by far the very best program I have come across. I have found it very easy to consistently make a good amount of money by simply filling out surveys and completing free offers.
How much can you make when will you get paid?
How much you make is dependent on what country your from and how much time you’re willing to devote to making money. Most members have the potential to make over a thousand!
Payments are processed by the 20th of the following month for members with a minimum payout of $10. So, the money you earn in May, you’ll get paid on June 20th. This is a very easy payout to achieve, I made well over $20 in the very first hours after I signed up! The payout is easily attainable within the first day of participation.
What’s the best way to get started?
Once you sign-up you’ll be sent a brief message on how to complete offers as well as a “fast-track” list of offers to be completed immediately because of their high payout and short time to complete.
How does the referral program work?
There are two levels to the referral program. You get paid up to 20% of the earnings of your direct referrals and 10% of THEIR referrals. Members can easily make hundreds per month just on referrals! You’ll also receive a $3.00 bonus for each referral who meets the $10 minimum payout.
Do I have to refer others?
I hate programs where you get pressured into signing other people in order to be successful and make money. You can easily make money on CashCrate without ever making a single referral!
The easiest way to do this is to simply take part in the daily surveys. Get paid $0.80 each time you complete a daily survey. You can take 2 new surveys every 24 hours! Doing just this guarantees over $24 per month alone!
Another easy way to make an extra $100-$200 a month is by doing the free offers and trials.
However, if you want to share your success with others, CashCrate has one of the best referral systems out there!. So dont wait to long, just click banner bellow ti sign up...
That is good news. I have joined that site too and understand how to complete offers. finally. I have done most of the offers and then I found EasyOfferPays.com to make extra income since i got laid off. The layout is awesome and easy on the eyes. Offers are easy to find and categorized. Take a look. It is not a referral link. but i can refer you too. =)
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thank you =)